utilities.segmentation_utils.flowreader module#

FlowGenerator is a wrapper around the keras ImageDataGenerator class.

class FlowGenerator(image_path: str, mask_path: str, image_size: tuple[int, int], output_size: tuple[int, int], num_classes: int, shuffle: bool = True, batch_size: int = 2, preprocessing_enabled: bool = True, seed: int = 909, preprocessing_seed: int | None = None)[source]#

Bases: object

Initializes the flow generator object, which can be used to read in images for semantic segmentation. Additionally, the reader can apply augmentation on the images, and one-hot encode them on the fly.

Note: in case the output is a column vector it has to be in the shape (x, 1)


string image:

path to the image directory

string mask:

path to the mask directory

int batch_size:

batch size

tuple image_size:

image size

tuple output_size:

output size

int num_classes:

number of classes

Keyword Arguments#

bool shuffle:

whether to shuffle the dataset or not

int batch_size:

batch size

bool preprocessing_enabled:

whether to apply preprocessing or not

int seed:

seed for flow from directory

int preprocessing_seed:

seed for preprocessing, defaults to None



if the output size is not a tuple of length 2


if the output size is not a square matrix or a column vector

get_dataset_size() int[source]#

Returns the length of the dataset


returns int:

length of the dataset


Returns the generator object


return ImageDataGenerator:

generator object


Preprocessor function encapsulates both the image, and mask generator objects. Augments the images and masks and onehot encodes the masks


tuple generator_zip:

tuple of image and mask generator

int, optional state:

random state for reproducibility, defaults to None


return tuple(tf.Tensor,tf.Tensor):

generator batch of image and mask

preprocessing_queue_image = None#
preprocessing_queue_mask = None#
preprocessing_seed = None#
set_preprocessing_pipeline(preprocessing_queue_image: PreprocessorInterface, preprocessing_queue_mask: PreprocessorInterface) None[source]#

Sets the preprocessing pipeline


PreprocessingQueue preprocessing_queue_image:

preprocessing queue for images

PreprocessingQueue preprocessing_queue_mask:

preprocessing queue for masks

class FlowGeneratorExperimental(image_path: str, mask_path: str, image_size: tuple[int, int], output_size: tuple[int, int], channel_mask: list[bool], num_classes: int, shuffle: bool = True, batch_size: int = 2, preprocessing_enabled: bool = True, seed: int = 909, preprocessing_seed: int | None = None, read_weights: bool = False, weights_path: str | None = None, preprocessing_queue_image=None, preprocessing_queue_mask=None, shuffle_counter=0)[source]#

Bases: Sequence

Initializes the flow generator object, which can be used to read in images for semantic segmentation. Additionally, the reader can apply augmentation on the images, and one-hot encode them on the fly.

Note: in case the output is a column vector it has to be in the shape (x, 1) Note: this is an experimental version of the flow generator, which uses a custom implemented dataloader instead of the keras ImageDataGenerator #TODO: Instead of using direct paths, and arguments, reading heads should be used #TODO: as it reduces the number of arguments, and makes the code more readable and reduces #TODO: cupling


string image:

path to the image directory

string mask:

path to the mask directory

int batch_size:

tuple image_size:

specifies the size of the input image

tuple output_size:

specifies the size of the output mask

list[bool] channel_mask:

specifies which channels of the input image to use

int num_classes:

number of classes in the output mask

Keyword Arguments#

bool, optional shuffle:

whether to shuffle the dataset or not, defaults to True

int batch_size:

specifies the number of images read in one batch, defaults to 2

bool preprocessing_enabled:

whether to apply preprocessing or not, defaults to True

int seed:

seed for flow from directory

int preprocessing_seed:

seed for preprocessing, defaults to None

bool read_weights:

whether to read the weights from the mask directory, defaults to False



if the names of the images and masks do not match


if the output size is not a tuple of length 2


if the output size is not a square matrix or a column vector

on_epoch_end() None[source]#

Method called at the end of every epoch.

set_mini_batch_size(batch_size: int) None[source]#

Function to set the appropriate minibatch size. Required to allign batch size in the reader with the model. Does not change the batch size of the reader.


int batch_size:

the mini batch size


raises ValueError:

if the mini batch size is larger than the batch size

raises ValueError:

if the batch size is not divisible by the mini batch size

set_preprocessing_pipeline(preprocessing_queue_image: PreprocessorInterface, preprocessing_queue_mask: PreprocessorInterface) None[source]#

Sets the preprocessing pipeline


PreprocessingQueue preprocessing_queue_image:

preprocessing queue for images

PreprocessingQueue preprocessing_queue_mask:

preprocessing queue for masks