Source code for utilities.segmentation_utils.flowreader

FlowGenerator is a wrapper around the keras ImageDataGenerator class.

import math
import os
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
from keras.utils import Sequence
from PIL import Image
from tqdm import tqdm

from utilities.segmentation_utils import ImagePreprocessor

[docs]class FlowGenerator: """ Initializes the flow generator object, which can be used to read in images for semantic segmentation. Additionally, the reader can apply augmentation on the images, and one-hot encode them on the fly. Note: in case the output is a column vector it has to be in the shape (x, 1) Parameters ---------- :string image: path to the image directory :string mask: path to the mask directory :int batch_size: batch size :tuple image_size: image size :tuple output_size: output size :int num_classes: number of classes Keyword Arguments ----------------- :bool shuffle: whether to shuffle the dataset or not :int batch_size: batch size :bool preprocessing_enabled: whether to apply preprocessing or not :int seed: seed for flow from directory :int preprocessing_seed: seed for preprocessing, defaults to None Raises ------ :ValueError: if the output size is not a tuple of length 2 :ValueError: if the output size is not a square matrix or a column vector """ preprocessing_seed = None preprocessing_queue_image = None preprocessing_queue_mask = None def __init__( self, image_path: str, mask_path: str, image_size: tuple[int, int], output_size: tuple[int, int], num_classes: int, shuffle: bool = True, batch_size: int = 2, preprocessing_enabled: bool = True, seed: int = 909, preprocessing_seed: Optional[int] = None, ): if len(output_size) != 2: raise ValueError("The output size has to be a tuple of length 2") if output_size[1] != 1 and output_size[0] != output_size[1]: raise ValueError( "The output size has to be a square matrix or a column vector" ) self.image_path = image_path self.mask_path = mask_path self.batch_size = batch_size self.image_size = image_size self.output_size = output_size self.num_classes = num_classes self.shuffle = shuffle self.seed = seed self.preprocessing_enabled = preprocessing_enabled self.preprocessing_seed = preprocessing_seed self.__make_generator() print("Reading images from: ", self.image_path)
[docs] def get_dataset_size(self) -> int: """ Returns the length of the dataset Returns ------- :returns int: length of the dataset """ return len(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.image_path, "img")))
[docs] def set_preprocessing_pipeline( self, preprocessing_queue_image: ImagePreprocessor.PreprocessorInterface, preprocessing_queue_mask: ImagePreprocessor.PreprocessorInterface, ) -> None: """ Sets the preprocessing pipeline Parameters ---------- :PreprocessingQueue preprocessing_queue_image: preprocessing queue for images :PreprocessingQueue preprocessing_queue_mask: preprocessing queue for masks """ self.preprocessing_queue_image = preprocessing_queue_image self.preprocessing_queue_mask = preprocessing_queue_mask
def __make_generator(self): """ Creates the generator """ image_datagen = ImageDataGenerator() mask_datagen = ImageDataGenerator() if self.output_size[1] == 1: # only enters if the output is a column vector # such no need to define it otherwise dimension = math.sqrt(self.output_size[0]) self.output_reshape = (int(dimension), int(dimension)) image_generator = image_datagen.flow_from_directory( self.image_path, class_mode=None, # type: ignore seed=self.seed, batch_size=self.batch_size, target_size=self.image_size, ) mask_generator = mask_datagen.flow_from_directory( self.mask_path, class_mode=None, # type: ignore seed=self.seed, batch_size=self.batch_size, target_size=self.output_size, color_mode="grayscale", ) if ( self.preprocessing_queue_image is None and self.preprocessing_queue_mask is None ): #!Possibly in the wrong place as it has to be regenerated every time ( self.preprocessing_queue_image, self.preprocessing_queue_mask, ) = ImagePreprocessor.generate_default_queue() elif ( self.preprocessing_queue_image is None or self.preprocessing_queue_mask is None ): raise ValueError("Both queues must be passed or none") self.train_generator = zip(image_generator, mask_generator) self.train_generator = self.preprocess(self.train_generator)
[docs] def get_generator(self): """ Returns the generator object Returns ------- :return ImageDataGenerator: generator object """ return self.train_generator
[docs] def preprocess(self, generator_zip): """ Preprocessor function encapsulates both the image, and mask generator objects. Augments the images and masks and onehot encodes the masks Parameters ---------- :tuple generator_zip: tuple of image and mask generator :int, optional state: random state for reproducibility, defaults to None Returns ------- :return tuple(tf.Tensor,tf.Tensor): generator batch of image and mask """ for img, mask in generator_zip: if self.preprocessing_enabled: for i_image, i_mask in zip(img, mask): # random state for reproducibility if self.preprocessing_seed is None: image_seed = np.random.randint(0, 100000) else: state = np.random.RandomState(self.preprocessing_seed) image_seed = state.randint(0, 100000) i_image, i_mask = ImagePreprocessor.augmentation_pipeline( image=i_image, mask=i_mask, input_size=self.image_size, output_size=self.output_size, output_reshape=self.output_reshape, seed=image_seed, #!both preprocessing queues are assigned by this time image_queue=self.preprocessing_queue_image, # type: ignore mask_queue=self.preprocessing_queue_mask, # type: ignore ) mask = ImagePreprocessor.onehot_encode( mask, self.output_size, self.num_classes ) yield (img, mask)
[docs]class FlowGeneratorExperimental(Sequence): """ Initializes the flow generator object, which can be used to read in images for semantic segmentation. Additionally, the reader can apply augmentation on the images, and one-hot encode them on the fly. Note: in case the output is a column vector it has to be in the shape (x, 1) Note: this is an experimental version of the flow generator, which uses a \ custom implemented dataloader instead of the keras ImageDataGenerator #TODO: Instead of using direct paths, and arguments, reading heads should be used #TODO: as it reduces the number of arguments, and makes the code more readable and reduces #TODO: cupling Parameters ---------- :string image: path to the image directory :string mask: path to the mask directory :int batch_size: :tuple image_size: specifies the size of the input image :tuple output_size: specifies the size of the output mask :list[bool] channel_mask: specifies which channels of the input image to use :int num_classes: number of classes in the output mask Keyword Arguments ----------------- :bool, optional shuffle: whether to shuffle the dataset or not, defaults to True :int batch_size: specifies the number of images read in one batch, defaults to 2 :bool preprocessing_enabled: whether to apply preprocessing or not, defaults to True :int seed: seed for flow from directory :int preprocessing_seed: seed for preprocessing, defaults to None :bool read_weights: whether to read the weights from the mask directory, defaults to False Raises ------ :ValueError: if the names of the images and masks do not match :ValueError: if the output size is not a tuple of length 2 :ValueError: if the output size is not a square matrix or a column vector """ def __init__( self, image_path: str, mask_path: str, image_size: tuple[int, int], output_size: tuple[int, int], channel_mask: list[bool], num_classes: int, shuffle: bool = True, batch_size: int = 2, preprocessing_enabled: bool = True, seed: int = 909, preprocessing_seed: Optional[int] = None, read_weights: bool = False, weights_path: Optional[str] = None, preprocessing_queue_image = None, preprocessing_queue_mask = None, shuffle_counter = 0, ): if len(output_size) != 2: raise ValueError("The output size has to be a tuple of length 2") if output_size[1] != 1 and output_size[0] != output_size[1]: raise ValueError( "The output size has to be a square matrix or a column vector" ) self.image_path = image_path self.mask_path = mask_path self.batch_size = batch_size self.mini_batch = batch_size self.image_size = image_size self.output_size = output_size self.channel_mask = np.array(channel_mask) self.n_channels = np.sum(channel_mask) self.num_classes = num_classes self.shuffle = shuffle self.seed = seed self.preprocessing_enabled = preprocessing_enabled self.preprocessing_seed = preprocessing_seed self.read_weights = read_weights self.weights_path = weights_path self.preprocessing_queue_image = preprocessing_queue_image self.preprocessing_queue_mask = preprocessing_queue_mask self.shuffle_counter = shuffle_counter ( self.preprocessing_queue_image, self.preprocessing_queue_mask, ) = ImagePreprocessor.generate_default_queue() self.image_filenames = np.array( sorted(os.listdir(self.image_path)) ) self.mask_filenames = np.array(sorted(os.listdir(self.mask_path))) if self.read_weights: weights_df = pd.read_csv( self.weights_path, header=None ) weights_np = weights_df.to_numpy() print(weights_np.shape) #sort the numpy array by the first column weights_np = weights_np[weights_np[:,0].argsort()] print(weights_np) self.weights = weights_np[:,1:].astype(np.float64) weight_names = weights_np[:, 0] for mask, weight_name in zip(self.mask_filenames, weight_names): if mask != weight_name: raise ValueError("The mask and weight directories do not match") self.linked_data = [self.image_filenames, self.mask_filenames] if self.read_weights: self.linked_data.append(self.weights) self.__shuffle_filenames() self.dataset_size = self.__len__() print("Validating dataset...") for i_name, m_name in tqdm(zip(self.image_filenames, self.mask_filenames)): if i_name != m_name: raise ValueError("The image and mask directories do not match") self.image_batch_store = None self.mask_batch_store = None self.validity_index = 0 if self.output_size[1] == 1: # only enters if the output is a column vector # such no need to define it otherwise dimension = math.sqrt(self.output_size[0]) self.output_reshape = (int(dimension), int(dimension)) else: self.output_reshape = self.output_size print("Reading images from: ", self.image_path)
[docs] def set_preprocessing_pipeline( self, preprocessing_queue_image: ImagePreprocessor.PreprocessorInterface, preprocessing_queue_mask: ImagePreprocessor.PreprocessorInterface, ) -> None: """ Sets the preprocessing pipeline Parameters ---------- :PreprocessingQueue preprocessing_queue_image: preprocessing queue for images :PreprocessingQueue preprocessing_queue_mask: preprocessing queue for masks """ self.preprocessing_queue_image = preprocessing_queue_image self.preprocessing_queue_mask = preprocessing_queue_mask
[docs] def set_mini_batch_size(self, batch_size: int) -> None: """ Function to set the appropriate minibatch size. Required to allign batch size in the \ reader with the model. Does not change the batch size of the reader. Parameters ---------- :int batch_size: the mini batch size Raises ------ :raises ValueError: if the mini batch size is larger than the batch size :raises ValueError: if the batch size is not divisible by the mini batch size """ if batch_size > self.batch_size: raise ValueError("The mini batch size cannot be larger than the batch size") if self.batch_size % batch_size != 0: raise ValueError("The batch size must be divisible by the mini batch size") self.mini_batch = batch_size
def __read_batch(self, start: int, end: int) -> None: # read image batch batch_image_filenames = self.image_filenames[start:end] batch_mask_filenames = self.mask_filenames[start:end] for image, mask in zip(batch_image_filenames, batch_mask_filenames): if image != mask: raise ValueError("The image and mask directories do not match") # calculate number of mini batches in a batch n = self.batch_size // self.mini_batch batch_images = np.zeros( ( n, self.mini_batch, self.image_size[0], self.image_size[1], self.n_channels, ) ) if self.output_size[1] == 1: column = True batch_masks = np.zeros( (n, self.mini_batch, self.output_size[0], self.num_classes) ) else: column = False batch_masks = np.zeros( ( n, self.mini_batch, self.output_size[0], self.output_size[1], self.num_classes, ) ) # preprocess and assign images and masks to the batch for i in range(n): if column: raw_masks = np.zeros( (self.mini_batch, self.output_size[0] * self.output_size[1], 1) ) else: raw_masks = np.zeros( (self.mini_batch, self.output_size[0], self.output_size[1]) ) for j in range(self.mini_batch): image_index = i * self.mini_batch + j image = os.path.join(self.image_path, batch_image_filenames[image_index]) ).resize(self.image_size, Image.ANTIALIAS) image = np.array(image) image = image / 255 mask = os.path.join(self.mask_path, batch_mask_filenames[image_index]) ).resize(self.output_reshape) mask = np.array(mask) # image = image[:, :, self.channel_mask] if self.preprocessing_enabled: if self.preprocessing_seed is None: image_seed = np.random.randint(0, 100000) else: state = np.random.RandomState(self.preprocessing_seed) image_seed = state.randint(0, 100000) ( image, mask, ) = ImagePreprocessor.augmentation_pipeline( image, mask=mask, input_size=self.image_size, output_size=self.output_size, output_reshape=self.output_reshape, seed=image_seed, #!both preprocessing queues are assigned by this time image_queue=self.preprocessing_queue_image, # type: ignore mask_queue=self.preprocessing_queue_mask, # type: ignore ) if column: mask = np.reshape(mask, self.output_size) batch_images[i, j, :, :, :] = image # NOTE: this provides the flexibility required to process both # column and matrix vectors raw_masks[j, ...] = mask batch_masks[i, ...] = ImagePreprocessor.onehot_encode( raw_masks, self.output_size, self.num_classes ) # chaches the batch self.image_batch_store = batch_images self.mask_batch_store = batch_masks # required to check when to read the next batch def __len__(self) -> int: return int(np.floor(len(self.image_filenames) / float(self.mini_batch))) def __getitem__(self, index) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: # check if the batch is already cached index = index % self.dataset_size if index < self.validity_index - self.batch_size // self.mini_batch: self.validity_index = 0 if index == self.validity_index: self.__read_batch(index * self.batch_size, (index + 1) * self.batch_size) self.validity_index = (self.batch_size // self.mini_batch) + index # slices new batch store_index = (self.batch_size // self.mini_batch) - ( self.validity_index - index ) batch_images = self.image_batch_store[store_index, ...] # type: ignore batch_masks = self.mask_batch_store[store_index, ...] # type: ignore if self.read_weights: batch_weights = self.weights[index * self.batch_size : (index + 1) * self.batch_size, ...] return batch_images, batch_masks, batch_weights else: return batch_images, batch_masks
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self) -> None: # Shuffle image and mask filenames self.__shuffle_filenames()
def __shuffle_filenames(self) -> None: if self.shuffle: state = np.random.RandomState(self.seed + self.shuffle_counter) self.shuffle_counter += 1 shuffled_indices = state.permutation(len(self.image_filenames)) shuffled_indices = shuffled_indices.astype(int) for array in self.linked_data: array = array[shuffled_indices]